Arts in the Burg 207 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN, United States

Tickets on Eventbrite: Open to all skill level Friday, September 3, 2021 5:30 PM This Charcoal Class, focuses on realism. Our instructor offers easy to follow techniques on translating objects you see onto an art on a page, with a focus on using tonal values to create the appearance of a three-dimensional piece on […]

Open Gallery Local Artist Exhibition

Arts in the Burg 207 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN, United States

Free Admission ARTISTS Helen Brooks Jamie Reed Brooke Reed Shannon Pickering Sharpe Margaret Tucker Dale Woodfin MEDIUM  Paintings DATE & TIME August 19th - 21st, 26th - 28th and September 2nd - 4th Thursday & Friday 4 pm -7:30 pm CST Saturday 11 am - 5:30 pm CST LOCATION Arts in the Burg - Gallery 207 S. […]

Contemporary Art Class with Becky Phelps

Arts in the Burg 207 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN, United States

Tickets on Eventbrite: Saturday, September 4, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Fun contemporary abstract that anyone can create. You'll have a blast creating some contemporary art with Becky Phelps. With these abstract creations using acrylics, spray paint, tape, soap, and other unusual materials depending on the classes you choose... there are no mistakes. […]

Watercolor Classes with Elizabeth Allen 5 of 5 (choose any or all dates)

Arts in the Burg 207 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN, United States

Transparent Watercolor Painting with Elizabeth Allen: Open to all abilities from beginner to advanced. RESERVE YOUR TICKETS: 5 CLASS SERIES. Choose all dates or attend the classes that best fit you budget and schedule. You will learn how to handle painting with transparent watercolor using still life objects. Drawing, composition and color theory are […]



Arts in the Burg 207 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN, United States

Tickets on Eventbrite: Friday, September 17, 2021 5:30 PM This Charcoal Class, focuses on realism. Our instructor offers easy to follow techniques on translating objects you see onto an art on a page, with a focus on using tonal values to create the appearance of a three-dimensional piece on a two-dimensional surface. A variety […]


Arts in the Burg 207 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN, United States

Tickets on Eventbrite: Friday, October 1, 2021 5:30 PM This Charcoal Class, focuses on realism. Our instructor offers easy to follow techniques on translating objects you see onto an art on a page, with a focus on using tonal values to create the appearance of a three-dimensional piece on a two-dimensional surface. A variety […]


Arts in the Burg 207 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN, United States

REGISTER TO SHOW ART "PURCHASE MULTIPLE TICKETS ON DIFFERENT DATES" See instructions below PEER GROUP ART CRITIQUE You may attend as an art lover/participant without presenting art. If you plan to present your art please register. If you do not plan to show your art you do not need to register. Suggested $10 donation for […]


Contemporary Art Class with Becky Phelps

Arts in the Burg 207 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN, United States

Tickets on Eventbrite: Saturday, November 6, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Painting on denim, leather or faux leather jackets, shoes or ball caps as well. Bring an item from home leave with a really cool creation. You'll have a blast creating some contemporary art with Becky Phelps. With these abstract creations using acrylics, […]


Arts in the Burg 207 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN, United States

REGISTER TO SHOW ART "PURCHASE MULTIPLE TICKETS ON DIFFERENT DATES" See instructions below PEER GROUP ART CRITIQUE You may attend as an art lover/participant without presenting art. If you plan to present your art please register. If you do not plan to show your art you do not need to register. Suggested $10 donation for […]


Contemporary Art Class with Becky Phelps

Arts in the Burg 207 S Cedar Ave, South Pittsburg, TN, United States

Tickets on Eventbrite: Saturday, December 4, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - “Art Journaling to support well-being”. You will create sketchbook pages in this workshop and talk about the practice of sketchbook keeping and art journaling as a mental health and well-being practice in what often seems like a crazy world. You'll have a […]