Our community focus group for the first major mural is open to stakeholders and citizens of South Pittsburg and will be held via Zoom on 3/22/21 at 6 pm CST. We are also working on synced live stream options for Facebook and Youtube. During the meeting, we will discuss the mural project with our muralist, Ivan Roque. The goal is to encourage your comments to influence the creative process for the mural. Arts in the Burg organizers will ask questions about your experiences in South Pittsburg, and you will have the opportunity to respond to our moderator in chats or comments. After the meeting, we will quantify the responses by word clouding. Our artist will then create two rough sketches, and you will have an opportunity to vote on the final design choice from 4/11/21 to 4/24/21. Just that quickly, you’ve become a part of the art!
Join us on Facebook Live Stream
On 3/22/21 at 6pm CST follow this link: https://www.facebook.com/ArtsintheBurg
Join us on Zoom
Dale Woodfin, Director of Art in the Burg is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Arts in the Burg – Community Mural Meeting
Time: Mar 22, 2021 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 6985 4294
Passcode: 129257
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Meeting ID: 859 6985 4294
Passcode: 129257
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